Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Intanku Kesepian - Explanation Part 4

Belum sempat aku
Memberi padamu
Before am able I
To give to you

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'belum' means 'not yet'. As for 'aku', it is a pronoun which means 'I'.

'sempat' is a bit difficult to translate. The closest I can come up with is that it means 'able'. Example, if someone asked you if you ate breakfast before coming to work, you could say "Tidak sempat", which would mean 'you weren't able to' or more accurately 'you weren't able to due to insufficient time'.

So 'belum sempat aku' would mean 'not yet able (in time) I'. I probably should reorder the words, but I'll do that later.

'memberi' means 'give', whereas 'padamu' is made up of two words 'pada' which means 'to' and 'mu' which means 'you'.

So 'belum sempat aku memberi padamu' would mean 'not yet able (in time) I give to you'. Or more accurately it would mean 'before I am able to give (it) to you...'.

Photo credit to Retro Thing

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